Why Buying Likes is Tempting

As more and more businesses realize the importance of social networking as part of their online presence and overall marking, the number of likes a business has on Facebook has become more and more important. Today, likes have become something of a status symbol and many business owners understand that Facebook pages with little or no likes looks odd to potential customers using social networking.

By far this is the most true for those businesses that are brand new to Facebook and do not have any following. Instead they find themselves in a paradox which is hard to escape. One one hand in order to gain more likes they need to promote their Facebook page but on the other hand, promoting a page with little or no likes is embarrassing. Yet another issues arises when a business finds itself in a industry that people are not usually engaged in. Let’s face it, not every business out there is selling the latest hot new gadget and have trouble coming up with likes.

In any case, many businesses begin to look into other ways to get Facebook Likes and often they consider buying them.

Where Do The Likes Come From?

There are hundreds of companies and websites out there offering Facebook Likes, each with their own claims and promises. The biggest problem is these services typically use deceptive practices in getting you the likes for your page. In many cases, all of the “people” that end up liking your page are fake; automatically generated profiles created for the sole purpose of liking Facebook pages. This is most easily recognized by visiting the profiles of the people who liked your page. If you see profiles that are missing information likes photos, bios, friends, etc. the like is probably fake.

Is There Any Value in Buying Likes?

Since most services use profiles that are fake, the actual likes gained will be of little use within the realm of promoting your products or services to them or having them interact. Additionally, most services offer no localization of your target market forcing you to buy likes from a supposed national or international list. As a result unless your company is national or international, people who like your page outside your geographical region will also be of little or no value to you.

Is Buying Likes Wrong?

Aside from the fact that buying likes is dishonest, in a nut shell, yes. Facebook clearly states in their terms of service that the buying of Likes is prohibited (see https://www.facebook.com/help/281084665319172).

Can I Lose My Likes?

Yes. If your bought Facebook Likes came from fake profiles, you will notice that overtime the number of likes on your page will go down. This is due to Facebook detecting these fake accounts and shutting them down.

What Happens If I’m Caught?

Facebook has a strict policy about spam and fake profiles. According to Facebook’s Terms of Service, if Facebook detects that you have engaged in the buying of likes, it may disable your page, place limits on it or may remove it completely.

Is There Any Way to Gain Likes Legitimately?

Yes there are!

  • Invite friends, family and existing customers to your new page and ask them to like it.
  • Add a link to your Facebook page to your website, blog or to any other online advertising.
  • Advertise your Facebook page in your printed ads, business cards, etc.
  • Post new content to Facebook often. Advertise sales, specials and promotions. Showcase new products.
  • Contact Advertising Solutions, Inc. for assistance in setting up a targeted Facebook Ads Campaign.