Below are some ideas to keep your customers informed during a time of crisis. Although we are publishing this as a response to the COVID-19 outbreak, this checklist can be used for any disturbance of business activities such as storms, power outages, flooding, technology issues, etc.

  1. Update Hours of Operation – Be sure to let customers know about any changes in hours of operation including unscheduled closures or limited hours.
  2. Share Your Response – Customers like to know what you are doing to keep your employees as well as them safe during this time.
  3. Keep Customers Updated – Customers will be less frustrated if you keep them updated on shipping delays, rescheduled appointments, policies, and product shortages.
  4. Rethink That Promotion – Be sure to double check any promotions you plan during a time of crisis. Many customers may be on edge and while it may be necessary to offer an incentive to get customers in the door, some may consider it bad taste. Be sure that your promotions do not come across as insensitive.

Any updates or changes to your business should be made to all your points of contact including:

  • Website
  • Online Profiles (Facebook, Twitter, etc)
  • Phone / Voicemail messages
  • Email Signatures / Auto Responders
  • Email Blasts
  • Brick and Mortar Window / Door Signs