Bad SEO Techniques

Sunday, January 12th, 2014
In a nutshell, a web ring is a collection of websites that share a specific theme or interest. Web rings can be thought of a group of websites belonging to a special club. In a web ring, each of the sites are linked together by a common navigation bar, usually found at the bottom of the site, that allows a visitor to view the previous and next website within the collection. The navigation bar allows a visitor to browse from site to site in a circular or looped way, hence the term web ring.
Sunday, December 22nd, 2013
Flash Based sites have been around for years but have never been a good idea from a SEO perspective. In this article we will discuss what a Flash based website is and why it is bad for SEO.
Sunday, November 24th, 2013
Although old, Link Farms can still be found online and some SEO firms still utilize them. In this article we will discuss what Link Farming is and why it can get your site banned.
Saturday, November 16th, 2013
Doorway Pages, AKA Gateway Pages, Portal Pages, Entry Pages (and sometimes erroneously as Landing Pages) are a series web pages that are created with the sole intention of tricking a search engine into indexing them. The idea behind Doorway Pages is that once they are indexed by a search engine, anyone searching for one of the terms or keywords the Doorway Page targets will find their way to the Doorway Page and ultimately the actual website they were built for.